About Mike Martin

Mike Martin with his first novel "Rock Beats Paper
My name is Mike Martin, I am twenty-three years old, and I love to write. Pretty simple explanation, huh? I was born in the summer of 1987 and have loved books my entire life. I have been passionate about writing since I was eleven years old, and have written several stories. I am a pro wrestler as well, though, I don't do it as often anymore. I lived in Cicero, IL until I was twelve years old, and lived in Hamden, CT for ten years before moving back to Illinois. This site is for me to express my feelings on my life, and the lives of those around me in detail, and also to express my struggles as a writer amongst other things. I hope you enjoy browsing around here.

From Amazon.com:
Mike Martin is a refreshingly new self-published author who has been writing for most of his life. While his first novel is admittedly rough around the edges it is quite an accomplishment to even have completed the work. Mike is a motivated young man, and after seeing the overwhelming costs to have a book professionally edited and designed he set out to find ways to make his dream come true on his own. Seeking help from friends who have friends who have friends, Mike had his book professionally edited at the best price possible, and then followed as many rules as he could find on interior design. He spent months bringing his book to life in a quality a perfectionist would be proud of, and then he sought out help for cover design. After getting some not so impressive sketches with a few useful designs he decided to take his favorite and modify it to his liking. 100% of the book from cover to cover was designed by Mike with help from his brother on some of the more technical aspects and the end result is a novel that has been said to be on par with any of the current mix of humorous action dramas. Mike is only twenty-three years old and he currently lives in Markham, Illinois. In his free time he is a professional wrestler (known as Mikey Chase) and a family man. You can stay in touch with Mike by following him on twitter @MMartinWrites