Go to www.rockbeatspapernovel.com to purchase it.
I am extremely excited about this. It's available on the books official site as shown above and on Amazon.com.
Support the book. Support me. Love.
Mike Martin Expresses his thoughts and views on the crazy world we live in.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
BOOK PREVIEW and more...
We are 2 weeks away from the release of my first novel ROCK BEATS PAPER. I am excited to say the least. I have been working hard on trying to figure out how to market this damn thing. I've been working on a concept for a book trailer to no avail. It's annoying trying to be creative.
I am doing a interview with CT Magic Guru Rick Star on November 30th on USTREAM. The show starts at 7/6c you can check it out LIVE Tuesday November 30th at this link: Rick Star Magic Experience on USTREAM
I'm pretty excited about that. It'll be a 20 minute call-in spot, where I will be talking to Rick about everything from my wrestling career(or lack thereof) to how I came to this book. Though, I feel I must say, with all due respect to Rick, my original hope was that I'd be doing the interview with Mike Milano on his USTREAM show. Unfortunately, Mike passed away before I completed the book.
I just wanted to come and give a quick update, but before I leave I want to leave you all with a special gift. The Book Preview!!!!!
Check it out...this is the first 4 Chapters of the book. I don't know if it's enough to make you hungry for more, but it's what I felt was enough for now. So check it out and give me all of your feedback. Good or Bad I want it all....
Here it is...
Rock Beats Paper: The First Look.
I am doing a interview with CT Magic Guru Rick Star on November 30th on USTREAM. The show starts at 7/6c you can check it out LIVE Tuesday November 30th at this link: Rick Star Magic Experience on USTREAM
I'm pretty excited about that. It'll be a 20 minute call-in spot, where I will be talking to Rick about everything from my wrestling career(or lack thereof) to how I came to this book. Though, I feel I must say, with all due respect to Rick, my original hope was that I'd be doing the interview with Mike Milano on his USTREAM show. Unfortunately, Mike passed away before I completed the book.
I just wanted to come and give a quick update, but before I leave I want to leave you all with a special gift. The Book Preview!!!!!
Check it out...this is the first 4 Chapters of the book. I don't know if it's enough to make you hungry for more, but it's what I felt was enough for now. So check it out and give me all of your feedback. Good or Bad I want it all....
Here it is...
Rock Beats Paper: The First Look.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Excited with a touch of disappointment.
This is a pretty big day for me...
"Rock Beats Paper" Cover-Art |
All I need now is the edited manuscripts back from the two people I have going through it, and I'll be able to update the book, and it'll be ready. Once it's ready I've decided I won't sell it right away, I wanna continue generating buzz, so I'll be doing some marketing stuff, sending the book out to people who have a large online following, in hopes they can give me a good review, and maybe even quotes I can throw onto the book.
The official release date of the book is going to be December 7th, 2010. However, the first 500 people to "Like" the book's official Facebook page (see the right panel of this site for a box that shows a minimized version of the page) Will get an access code to receive an ADVANCED, DISCOUNTED copy of the book. So Like the page and spread the word. I'm only going to release the advanced book ONCE there is 500 people.
What else is going on? Next week I will be working on the official site for the book, and I'm working on having a NEW blog site fully created by my brother and I. In other news I have registered a domain name for a new site that I want to launch. It's a entertainment site that covers...well...entertainment. I have a lot of cool ideas, and I'm jumping into it with little prep. So, we'll see how it goes.
OH! Let's talk about why I am disappointed. Well, with all of this chaos and work I'm putting into the novel I have finished. I have not been able to focus on NaNoWriMo, if you look to the right you can probably see that I've only finished 622 words. Terrible. I am disappointed that I am not able to focus on it. I doubt I'll reach the 50,000 word goal, but I love the concept of NaNoWriMo and look forward to fully participating next year, hopefully I won't be as busy.
Before I go, I'll leave you with some shows I think you should watch.
First, A&E's new show Teach: Tony Danza is AMAZING. For those of you who don't know, I'm working towards being able to begin my journey to High School English Teaching this coming spring. I'm very excited about it. In Teach, Tony Danza of "Who's The Boss" fame has decided to finally put his college degree to use. He enters the Philadelphia Public School system with the entire community having doubts and ripping him apart, saying the show is just a way to Jump Start his career. Though within the first 3 minutes, Danza is crying because he feels the pressure, and knows the weight that is on his shoulder's. He doesn't take the job lightly and he is very VERY passionate. The show is heartwarming and funny. Danza's charm is one-of-a-kind. Nothing is more clear than he WANTS to be there, and he WANTS to teach. There is no performing for the cameras, you can clearly see that Danza is genuine in everything he does, and his emotions run high. The pressure often brings him to tears, and his fellow faculty members are there to support him. The show is filled with interesting kids, heartwarming moments, and very dedicated teachers that show that the profession is far from dead. If this portrayal of what it's like to be an English teacher in urban schools, is at all accurate, I am more sure after watching just five episodes, than I ever was, that teaching is what I want to do. Teach: Tony Danza airs Fridays at 10/9c on A&E
The next show I'd like to talk about is "Running Russell Simmons on Oxygen. Yes, I do know that Oxygen is a network aimed towards women, but Running Russell is quite an awesome show. Sure it's concept is the same as so many of these other glam-job reality shows, but i think it's execution is what will set it apart. To truly enjoy RRS, I think you have to know a bit about the man Russell Simmons. I'm not going to be the one to tell you, that's what Wikipedia is for, however the show isn't JUST about Russell, what it's really about is the girls that run his day-to-day. The names are lost on me, and if this was something more official, I'd probably look them up, but the show just has so many elements to it. The first episode had me craving more, and I'm excited to watch more. Russell is a great man, he runs his business in a really efficient way, but he doesn't let his power go to his head, at least, not on the show. The first episode shows a situation in which a cleaning lady at Russell's house is getting the place ready for a fundraising event Russell is holding, it gets back to one of the main character's that the cleaning lady claimed she wasn't able to get a chalk-board cleaned. The woman who was responsible for making sure, nothing in the house gets ruined as a result of the party, immediately freaks out. Now, I was thinking "wtf? it's a chalkboard" well, it turns out that the chalkboard, and the content on it, was actually a valuable piece of art worth about $150,000 or something. The woman freaks out and runs up the stairs where Russell is meditating. I was freaking out thinking he was going to be pissed not only that the art was ruined but that she disturbed his meditating. She interrupts and you see Russell's eyes slowly open as if already prepared to handle bad news. She tells him what has happened, and you can almost immediately see sadness on his face, then a calm, and he tells her not to worry about it. I was so happy to see how relaxed he was. It was amazing, and I was so happy to see him react like that. It was THAT moment that I fell in love with RRS. It was amazing. Russell is a goofy guy who through all the chaos his life brings his assistants, he always tries to make sure they are relaxed and composed so that they don't deal with too much unnecessary stress. It's just good TV. Check this show out.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Quick Update: NaNoWriMo!!!
I'm taking part in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) just 5 days after finishing my first novel.
I just finished my first novel, which the word count is slightly over 60,000. around 48,000 of those words were written in 19 days. I think I got this. What do you think? Let me know in the comments section. I kind of need a cheering section. So please root for me.
You can follow all the progress on my Twitter @MMartinWrites or at my official NaNoWriMo page: MikeMar10
Also, to the right of this screen you can check out my twitter...uh...tweets...and also my progress in NaNoWriMo right here. I guess I can officially say this is your one-stop-shot for all thing Mike Martin. Woo.
I'm really excited for NaNoWriMo if you can't tell, and look forward to starting my writings later today, after I get about 3 hours sleep.
Don't forget to root for me!
Here's a little blurp of the Novel I'll be working on for NaNoWriMo:
The Impeccable Memory of Carson Battle
Carson Battle is living life, one chapter at a time.
Born with a rare ability to remember every single moment of his life, Carson Battle has quite the story. Now, on his death bed he reflects and though he can remember every detail of his life, he finds that he has forgotten quite a bit about the real relationships he has had. Is it too late to live life when he's spent most of it taking the world in?
Hope you are excited to read what I will come up with as I am to write it!
Friday, October 29, 2010
FINISHED THE BOOK! also: Why I haven't updated!
It took me a while to get back onto my blog, I'm having a headache with this whole thing. Supposedly I'm supposed to be able to link my page, here, with my facebook account. It's not working. It is pissing me off to be perfectly honest. Technology frustrates me.
In the mean time, I'm working on something with facebook, trying to make the most of what I got, or something, I don't know. We'll see what happens, more on this later.
So I finished the book! That's my big news today. I finished the book.
In January of 2010, I decided to go do a wrestling show in CT, for Defiant Pro Wrestling. On somewhere within the 860 miles it takes to get to CT from Markham, IL, I came up with the idea for a story. I had my sister, who was in the car with me jot down the rough ideas.
In March of 2010, I began to write the story, after listening to a song by Kasabian:
Listening to the song, now, it doesn't really fit the book, but something about it sparked a mood, and I began to write a screenplay. About four lines of dialogue in, I stopped and thought to myself "Mike, why waste time writing a screenplay for something you'll never make?" At that, I decided to write it as a short story. I had just read a novel titled "Stupid and Contagious" by Caprice Crane, where she told the story in the first person from two different characters. I thought it was pretty cool, so I started with two characters, but then decided to throw in some more, and before I knew it I had a handful of characters I was juggling and trying to become in order to write for them. I got 12,000 words in, and felt like I had a pretty good story going, so I printed it out and showed it to my family and some friends. Big Mistake.
To any writers out there, this may not apply to you, but just listen to my advice, when writing, do not, DO NOT let friends and family see it, UNLESS it is someone you feel will give you honest feedback. Now, that's not to say my family doesn't do it. But, sometimes I doubt that they could really love everything I write.
Here's what happens to me, when I write part of a story, then share it with people who praise it. I get satisfaction out of the praise, and feel like I've accomplished something, which leads me to have no determination to finish the work. It's a terrible thing. Trust me, you're better off waiting to be done with the work, then show it, take criticism, and change as you see fit.
So I took a break. After getting positive feedback, I just shut myself off to the story. And wouldn't work on it again for almost seven months.
One day, I was sitting at the office I work at with my brother, I will get into details on that some other day, but as I sat there, something hit me, and I started to write an outline to the story. Now, I realize there is a two-party system in the writing community, much like there are in the political world. The two parties are as follows:
In the mean time, I'm working on something with facebook, trying to make the most of what I got, or something, I don't know. We'll see what happens, more on this later.
So I finished the book! That's my big news today. I finished the book.
In January of 2010, I decided to go do a wrestling show in CT, for Defiant Pro Wrestling. On somewhere within the 860 miles it takes to get to CT from Markham, IL, I came up with the idea for a story. I had my sister, who was in the car with me jot down the rough ideas.
In March of 2010, I began to write the story, after listening to a song by Kasabian:
Listening to the song, now, it doesn't really fit the book, but something about it sparked a mood, and I began to write a screenplay. About four lines of dialogue in, I stopped and thought to myself "Mike, why waste time writing a screenplay for something you'll never make?" At that, I decided to write it as a short story. I had just read a novel titled "Stupid and Contagious" by Caprice Crane, where she told the story in the first person from two different characters. I thought it was pretty cool, so I started with two characters, but then decided to throw in some more, and before I knew it I had a handful of characters I was juggling and trying to become in order to write for them. I got 12,000 words in, and felt like I had a pretty good story going, so I printed it out and showed it to my family and some friends. Big Mistake.
"Stupid and Contagious" by Caprice Crane |
Here's what happens to me, when I write part of a story, then share it with people who praise it. I get satisfaction out of the praise, and feel like I've accomplished something, which leads me to have no determination to finish the work. It's a terrible thing. Trust me, you're better off waiting to be done with the work, then show it, take criticism, and change as you see fit.
So I took a break. After getting positive feedback, I just shut myself off to the story. And wouldn't work on it again for almost seven months.
One day, I was sitting at the office I work at with my brother, I will get into details on that some other day, but as I sat there, something hit me, and I started to write an outline to the story. Now, I realize there is a two-party system in the writing community, much like there are in the political world. The two parties are as follows:
- Organic WritersOrganic Writers write "from the heart." That is to say, they don't really care about planning out the story, or figuring out how it will end, they just let it pour out of them, as if it takes on a life of it's own, and whatever happens, happens. They just write and write and write until they feel the story is done. Upon, completion, they have something special that wasn't anything like they had expected, but they love it nonetheless
- Outline Writers
While, I can't attest to this being the actual term to use, Outline Writers are the writers that sit down, form an outline of the story, figure out all of their scenes, then fluff it up to make the actual story come to life. They have a clear idea of what they want the story to be, how they want it to flow, and what they want to happen. They know how it ends, they know when it ends, and they know why it ends the way it does.
Just like in political parties these two sides do not like each other, they don't see how the other can write the way they do. Organic Writers believe that you can't have any spontaneity in stories if you have the story plotted out from beginning to end. Outline Writers believe that you can't have a strong plot that has foreshadowing which takes the character through an adventure and ultimately ends in a way that is true to how the story has been developing, if, you don't plan it all out beforehand.
Also, just like in political parties, you have the writers that kind of sit on the fence, and use both elements. I am one of those. I had been unable to write for months, then, out of no where, I had all these ideas. and I wrote out an outline about six pages long. I used that outline as a guide for where the story should go, but a lot of unique moments came from out of thin air. There are plenty of chapters in the final version of the book that were never planned or even thought of until right there in the moment. I found this to be the most enjoyable way to write. You have an idea of how you want the book to go, but then you come up with these amazing things to kind of fill in some of the gaps. It was really fun to experience.
After writing the outline, I struggled with turning it into the story. I think it was the same voice in the back of my head that told me not to write a screenplay that was now telling me not to bother writing the book. I was telling myself why put all the effort into writing a book if it's never going to go anywhere, and only seven people will read it.
I thought that for a while, then out of the blue, I had a conversation with a really talented Professional Wrestler on the East Coast who also has his foot in the entertainment industry such as film and television. He informed me about CreateSpace which is an amazing self-publishing service. I went on there and was checking everything out. I was excited to see that my work could be published. But, as I started to look at some previews of people's books that were doing it, I saw stuff that made me feel like I wouldn't do it.
I'm a perfectionist, I don't want to do stuff if it's not going to be perfect. I wouldn't self-publish if I couldn't fool myself into thinking that the book I wrote, when in my hands, was published by a major publisher. The books I was seeing on the site looked well done, as far as the binding and such, and the cover creator does make some nice quality covers, but the insides of the books, the way they were formatted was awful. A book's paragraphs are justified in a way that it's like a clean box. Each line is the same length from left to right. It isn't like you see on here where depending on the lengths of the words per line, the length of the lines are different. Most books I've read have it done the better looking way, and after seeing that, I tried doing it in Microsoft Word, well, their version of that stretches out the spacing which is horrific.
It literallly looks like this in some parts.
It is absolutely horrible. So, I did some research and found out about some programs that are perfect for formatting the design of a book, and that's what I'm doing. So when I found out that I could make it look just as legit as a book that was actually published with a little added effort, I knew it was time to finish the book.
At this point I knew that the story I thought up in January, started to work on in March, and put on hold for close to seven months, was no longer a short story. I knew from the outline I wrote, that it had the potential to be a decent length, which ultimately could make it a novel. So on October 8th, after reading up on CreateSpace, I began to write, and from October 8th, 2010 until October 27th, 2010, I made the 12,000 words into 60,000 words and had myself a novel.
I am extremely proud of myself and look forward to releasing it, in hopes that all of you will buy it, and read it, and enjoy it, and send me feedback.
Before I go, I just want to make note of something.
As I've stated I got the idea for this book when travelling to a DPW show in Connecticut. DPW was my favorite promotion, and the work I did there is amongst my best. I was excited to return. DPW was run by Mike Miele who to fans, was better known as Mike E. Milano. I won't go into detail about how much Mike meant to me, and how important he was to my career as a pro wrestler, that's for a different place, what I will say is that if it wasn't for Mike, being the guy he was, I wouldn't have loved DPW so much, to the point where I'd want to travel 860 Miles there, then 860 Miles back, spending my own money on gas, and putting those miles on my car, I wouldn't have done it knowing I wouldn't get paid. If I wouldn't have gone on this trip, I wouldn't have came up with the concept of this book.
On October 27th, 2010, Mike Miele passed away due to suffering a stroke several days earlier. He held on as long as he could but in the end, he was unable to recover. This book is dedicated to Mike. If it wasn't for him, it wouldn't exist. He died just as I finished it, and so with that said, I would like to take this opportunity to state that, I am working my ass off to get the book out by December 18th, which is a show in CT that is paying tribute to Mike. My hopes are that I can get out there, with the books, and sell them at the show, with all proceeds going towards Milano's family. I'm still working out the details to see if his family will be okay with it, as such I feel I might be making a mistake in posting this so early. But I love Mike, I love his family, and feel confidant that they know I mean no harm.
I was supposed to be at his services which are taking place tomorrow, I was unable to afford to do so, as such, I plan on doing everything I can to get there for December, and to give whatever I can to his family.
On that note I'd like to thank you for reading, and ask that you follow me on twitter: @MMartinWrites
You can actually view my twitter to the right of the screen, as it updates live on this site as well.
ROCK BEATS PAPER - My first novel, will be available soon. Sign the guestbook and what not to be notified on any updates. Thank you.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Grammar Conflict, Writer's Block, The Future
I can't honestly profess to be a grammar efficionado. But I like to think that my grammar is above par. The funny little problem I'm having writing for characters of my book, which is titled "Rock Beats Paper" is that, it wouldn't fit characters telling the story to have above par grammar. I'm having trouble with this, because I'm afraid some people may judge that as flaws in myself, rather than the Character.
I feel this is a genuine concern cause, as I've experienced with stories I have written in the past, Whenever I have characters speaking in the first person, anytime people talk to me about it, they say; "I like the part where you're in the fast food restaurant and you squirt the kid with mustard" or something like that...and I always say "I'm glad you liked that part, but that wasn't me. That was the character." It kills me when people say "you did this" No. The character did. With that said...having characters in my book display rather poor grammar or anything of the sort is rough. I find myself struggling with this. I'll write a word that is fitting with me, but then I'm thinking this character wouldn't know, or use this word. So while as a writer it would be ideal to use such vocabulary to seem, I don't know, more intellegent or whatever, I can't use it, because the character wouldn't. What do you think? Is this a worthy sacrafice, to stay true to the characters rather than, what I feel, would be taking the reader out of the reality of the world I'm creating and making them doubt this person's plausible existence?
Either way. Yesterday, I sat down with the goal of writing 3000 words. I figured that was obtainable. As I began to type, however, 3000 seemed like an unbelievably daunting task. 250 words in, I felt spent. I felt this chapter, which was one I just decided to pop in for, sort of fluff, you know, build some tension, that wasn't necessary. When I thought of the content for the chapter, I felt it would be a good thing to do, but there I sit, with the cursor blinking and the word count stuck on 250. I felt like, maybe I should scrap this chapter altogether, and pick up where I knew I was headed with the story anyway.
Then, out of no where, words just flowed out of me. and when I was done with the chapter, I had 2,139 words, and some of the best material I feel I have done for this project so far, then I followed it up with the chapter I was originally going to write and at the end of the day, I had 3,912 words and I reached my goal. It felt amazing. I was really happy with myself. I was on a role, but, it was time to leave the office. So I was done for the day. In case I haven't mentioned here. I have decided not to write at home. I just get too distracted and the content I produce just feels dull. At the office, I just bang it out and make magic happen.
At around 2:30am Saturday morning, I decided to go to bed. Instead of carrying through on my decision, I played Super Mario Galaxy 2...until close to 6am.
I ended up falling asleep, and waking up around 1pm today. My brother had already left for the office, and I was stuck at home. I wanted to write, I was on a role yesterday, and so I just had to try to capitalize.
So my mom, took me to the office, and by 2...I was at the computer. I had 3 hours to write 3000 words. Well, instead, I am writing this. Though I know where I want to go with the story, I'm having conflict with how I should start this portion of it, and I'm just going back and forth. Fearing a mistake I commited the cardinal sin, and have decided to not write today. I will pick up Monday, and hopefully still reach my deadline of October 22nd. That deadline is flexable though, since I don't have an Agent, or Publisher, or whatever it is that supplies the deadline.
Staying up until 6am wasn't altogether a waste, I believe I collected a total of seven stars in Mario Galaxy.
I also mentioned in my first blog post that I had not been able to find my LiveJournal that I kept several years back. My sister, was able to, and you can find it now too by clicking here.
While reading this to herself, she had told me that she found the first chapter for a book I started to write 6 years ago. The title of the book was "Charm" and after having Shannon read me the first Chapter I found plenty of things I loved about it, and also Plenty of things I would change about it. You can read this post by clicking here.
The cool thing about this...Chapter One...kind of works as a story in itself, but there is definitely something there that indicates there's more to this story. As a result, I will leave you with this news:
Rock Beats Paper is slated to be realeased in early 2011. If you're lost, Rock Beats Paper will be my first full length, (self)published Novel.
I already have concluded prep-work on my second Novel. I plan on having that released by mid-2011.
For my next work, I will simultaneously be working on updating the very first story I ever wrote "Realm of Obsticles" while also working on my next Novel....Which will be one of the two following projects.
On my last trip to CT, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a dear friend, Katy. Through our discussions, she had told me a lot about her experiences, and it has inspired me to write about it, with a bit of a twist. I will need her permission, but I fully plan on giving her credit for the story, and she will definitely be a consultant...
However, if that doesn't pan out, if she's not comfortable with me putting that story out, then I will rewrite the first chapter of Charm, and finish it.
If Katy does allow me to write this story, I will work on Charm afterwards. Either way, one of these two books should be finished by early 2012. And if I end up writing both of them, expect the second of the two to be released in mid-late 2012.
That's all for now.
With love,
I feel this is a genuine concern cause, as I've experienced with stories I have written in the past, Whenever I have characters speaking in the first person, anytime people talk to me about it, they say; "I like the part where you're in the fast food restaurant and you squirt the kid with mustard" or something like that...and I always say "I'm glad you liked that part, but that wasn't me. That was the character." It kills me when people say "you did this" No. The character did. With that said...having characters in my book display rather poor grammar or anything of the sort is rough. I find myself struggling with this. I'll write a word that is fitting with me, but then I'm thinking this character wouldn't know, or use this word. So while as a writer it would be ideal to use such vocabulary to seem, I don't know, more intellegent or whatever, I can't use it, because the character wouldn't. What do you think? Is this a worthy sacrafice, to stay true to the characters rather than, what I feel, would be taking the reader out of the reality of the world I'm creating and making them doubt this person's plausible existence?
Either way. Yesterday, I sat down with the goal of writing 3000 words. I figured that was obtainable. As I began to type, however, 3000 seemed like an unbelievably daunting task. 250 words in, I felt spent. I felt this chapter, which was one I just decided to pop in for, sort of fluff, you know, build some tension, that wasn't necessary. When I thought of the content for the chapter, I felt it would be a good thing to do, but there I sit, with the cursor blinking and the word count stuck on 250. I felt like, maybe I should scrap this chapter altogether, and pick up where I knew I was headed with the story anyway.
Then, out of no where, words just flowed out of me. and when I was done with the chapter, I had 2,139 words, and some of the best material I feel I have done for this project so far, then I followed it up with the chapter I was originally going to write and at the end of the day, I had 3,912 words and I reached my goal. It felt amazing. I was really happy with myself. I was on a role, but, it was time to leave the office. So I was done for the day. In case I haven't mentioned here. I have decided not to write at home. I just get too distracted and the content I produce just feels dull. At the office, I just bang it out and make magic happen.
At around 2:30am Saturday morning, I decided to go to bed. Instead of carrying through on my decision, I played Super Mario Galaxy 2...until close to 6am.
I ended up falling asleep, and waking up around 1pm today. My brother had already left for the office, and I was stuck at home. I wanted to write, I was on a role yesterday, and so I just had to try to capitalize.
So my mom, took me to the office, and by 2...I was at the computer. I had 3 hours to write 3000 words. Well, instead, I am writing this. Though I know where I want to go with the story, I'm having conflict with how I should start this portion of it, and I'm just going back and forth. Fearing a mistake I commited the cardinal sin, and have decided to not write today. I will pick up Monday, and hopefully still reach my deadline of October 22nd. That deadline is flexable though, since I don't have an Agent, or Publisher, or whatever it is that supplies the deadline.
Staying up until 6am wasn't altogether a waste, I believe I collected a total of seven stars in Mario Galaxy.
I also mentioned in my first blog post that I had not been able to find my LiveJournal that I kept several years back. My sister, was able to, and you can find it now too by clicking here.
While reading this to herself, she had told me that she found the first chapter for a book I started to write 6 years ago. The title of the book was "Charm" and after having Shannon read me the first Chapter I found plenty of things I loved about it, and also Plenty of things I would change about it. You can read this post by clicking here.
The cool thing about this...Chapter One...kind of works as a story in itself, but there is definitely something there that indicates there's more to this story. As a result, I will leave you with this news:
Rock Beats Paper is slated to be realeased in early 2011. If you're lost, Rock Beats Paper will be my first full length, (self)published Novel.
I already have concluded prep-work on my second Novel. I plan on having that released by mid-2011.
For my next work, I will simultaneously be working on updating the very first story I ever wrote "Realm of Obsticles" while also working on my next Novel....Which will be one of the two following projects.
On my last trip to CT, I had the opportunity to spend some time with a dear friend, Katy. Through our discussions, she had told me a lot about her experiences, and it has inspired me to write about it, with a bit of a twist. I will need her permission, but I fully plan on giving her credit for the story, and she will definitely be a consultant...
However, if that doesn't pan out, if she's not comfortable with me putting that story out, then I will rewrite the first chapter of Charm, and finish it.
If Katy does allow me to write this story, I will work on Charm afterwards. Either way, one of these two books should be finished by early 2012. And if I end up writing both of them, expect the second of the two to be released in mid-late 2012.
That's all for now.
With love,
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Character Clashing
One of my big fears, a fear which sometimes renders me unable to write further for quite some time, is what I call Character Clashing. Now...I guess to have a good novel you need your characters to clash, but that's not what I am talking about. What I mean is, I'm afraid, especially with the book I am currently writing for, where each chapter is told from one of 4 or 5 different views, in the first person narrative, is that my characters, though containing different goals and whatnot, are starting to blur together, to become the same. to clash. My excuse for the two main characters, Bret and Chuck are that they're roomates, and when you live together long enough, it's bound to happen that you may start to act like one another no matter how much alike you are. Here, though, enlies the problem with telling a story in such a way, with a narrarator, describing the characters and their actions, the writing, all the way through can be consistant, but I feel, for a novel in which multiple characters are telling you their side of the story, each different character has to have a specific way of expressing themselves, a very distinct way. With that said, I have done, what I hope is a smart thing, and kept the chapters short in order to use different fonts for each character which will hopefully subconciously give the reader a feel as if a different person actually did write it. I'm keeping the chapters short to give me the ability to use untraditional fonts which have historically strained the eyes after long periods of reading, my hopes are that fluctuating the fonts from untraditional, to more traditional, will give the reader a retinal break without having to stop reading.
I am going to format the book for the Kindle, I'm afraid it will hinder this tactic. I am also unsure of the capabilities of some of the little picturesqe things I have included in the book. With that said, I feel as though I may rewrite certain parts of the book exclusively for the kindle and things of that nature.
For instance there is a part in which a character comes to a hallway, and has to decide which way to go, Well I illustrate what he sees in the sign that indicates in which direction each apartment is. I figure in the Kindle Version, I could just take out the image and insert text of what he sees. Should do the trick right? Let's hope so. I have set a goal of 14000 words today, though realistically I have no idea just how much that is...so, I will get to work on that, and plan to come back later and let you know how it went.
*NOTE: I have discovered that, I haven't even wrote 14000 words YET. So to say I will do more today, than I have since beginning this story, I won't be doing that. My new goal: 3000. That's doable I'd say.
I am going to format the book for the Kindle, I'm afraid it will hinder this tactic. I am also unsure of the capabilities of some of the little picturesqe things I have included in the book. With that said, I feel as though I may rewrite certain parts of the book exclusively for the kindle and things of that nature.
For instance there is a part in which a character comes to a hallway, and has to decide which way to go, Well I illustrate what he sees in the sign that indicates in which direction each apartment is. I figure in the Kindle Version, I could just take out the image and insert text of what he sees. Should do the trick right? Let's hope so. I have set a goal of 14000 words today, though realistically I have no idea just how much that is...so, I will get to work on that, and plan to come back later and let you know how it went.
*NOTE: I have discovered that, I haven't even wrote 14000 words YET. So to say I will do more today, than I have since beginning this story, I won't be doing that. My new goal: 3000. That's doable I'd say.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Beginning
Well, it appears it is time for me to re-establish my internet presence. I mean sure I have 2 Facebook accounts, but that's boring. Here at my official Blog I plan on really kind of getting in touch with some thoughts, both personal and professional, and just letting some stuff flow from my heart, edited in my brain, and finally out of my fingertips onto this little keyboard.
I remember in High School having a LiveJournal account. Who remembers those things? It was cool. I used to go back to my livejournal account and read my writings as a young lad. They often made me laugh and were quite entertaining. But there was something else about them that was touching...I feel my inner voice that I let out back then was more profound, and honestly, more loveable than the man who is sitting in front of this screen today. I have been heartbroken to find that due to what I assume is inactivity, my LiveJournal page has been removed. All that teen angst and comedy is forever gone. I am honestly quite sad right now having just 'x'ed out the window. But that was the beginning of my online presence, then there was myspace. now Facebook. But I just haven't done much blogging. It's easier and quicker to just post a sentence on my status and just let people comment. Who wants to read multiple paragraphs of my feelings and such anymore? Well hopefully a few of you or this is just completely pointless.
I guess to say I am a struggling writer is kind of a narrow perspective on what I am. Technically I'm a struggling everything at this point in my life. I have drive but lack in the ambition part of it, I suppose. I can't place what it was in my life that caused me to be so wasteful of my varied talents. I never once had anyone tell me I would never amount to anything, maybe that's the problem. Most people you hear about that have succeeded were held down by naysayers to some extent. I've heard many times that there's always people who are dying to see you fail, and the people that love you most want you to fail the most. That is completely untrue in my life. I have the most supportive parents in the world. I am blessed to have them, and I am ashamed to say that I take them for granted more often than not. To be honest I am the only one that has ever felt that I am never going to make it in any of my desired fields. I have written short stories and novels and poems and screenplays. All of which were often liked, sometimes not, though criticized positively. I am a struggling wrestler. I have wrestled and I am not too self-defecating to say I haven't done well at it, but, I feel as though I've reached a plateau and will never progress further than what I've done. I'm a struggling son. I consistently feel that although my parents may be proud of who I am, I have failed them for the lack of what I am. I am a struggling brother. I never tell my siblings how much I love them or how much they mean to me, or how much I appreciate everything they do for me. I am a struggling friend. I just suck at it. I've left my friends and feel like I let them down regularly. The friends I have here in Illinois I feel I offer nothing to. I am a struggling lover. I suck at this too, I can't hold a steady relationship, and have serious trust issues. I am not, however, a struggling uncle. The only thing I can say I am proud of is my deep bond with my two year old niece, Alexis. Sure she's two, but the effect she has on me, and I on her is something that keeps me going.
Enough of this depressing reflection stuff, here's some stuff I have enjoyed writing-wise:
When I was eleven or twelve I wrote my first short story titled "Realm of Obstacles" The only one of two projects I've ever done handwritten. Everything since then has been typed on a computer. As a result of a lack of a spell checker I guess technically my first efforts in fiction was titled "Relm of Obsticles" It is still one of my favorite things I have ever produced and I recently found the only copy. It is missing it's final two pages. My intention is to rewrite it and publish it.
For a summer camp I once attended I wrote a story about how Trees came to be. This was the other thing I did handwritten. This was a cute little story that has since been lost, but is cute nevertheless.
When I was fifteen I wrote a novel titled "Shattered" It was 153 pages and at this point I consider it to be garbage. I had former WWE Superstar, Lance Storm, who is an avid book lover, read it. He couldn't get through the first few chapters and I decided it was trash. My family loved it, though...so...that's nice.
I wrote a few screenplays. Never made them, all of them are quite poor. I did make a short film for a Film Festival at my High School. It was rejected due to a heavy plot that involved a suicide. The people who were the judges missed the point of the movie and felt, had the movie been shown, there was a risk that someone in the audience would be compelled to carry out any thoughts of suicide they might have had. Upsetting to say the least.
I wrote a short story titled "Bubble Mailers" I will post it here within a few days. Maybe. I love this story. It is touching and filled with love.
I had a column that I did two editions of called "Ask Mikey Chase" it was a pretty funny little thing, though 100% Fictitious. I'll consider posting that as well. It's on facebook. Just search "Ask Mikey Chase"
Currently I am writing two novels. My hope is to tackle some self-publishing and get them on Amazon.com for sale in book form/kindle. So that's exciting for me.
I must go now, well it's not that I must...I just have other things to do, check back often for random thoughts and updates and the like.
I remember in High School having a LiveJournal account. Who remembers those things? It was cool. I used to go back to my livejournal account and read my writings as a young lad. They often made me laugh and were quite entertaining. But there was something else about them that was touching...I feel my inner voice that I let out back then was more profound, and honestly, more loveable than the man who is sitting in front of this screen today. I have been heartbroken to find that due to what I assume is inactivity, my LiveJournal page has been removed. All that teen angst and comedy is forever gone. I am honestly quite sad right now having just 'x'ed out the window. But that was the beginning of my online presence, then there was myspace. now Facebook. But I just haven't done much blogging. It's easier and quicker to just post a sentence on my status and just let people comment. Who wants to read multiple paragraphs of my feelings and such anymore? Well hopefully a few of you or this is just completely pointless.
I guess to say I am a struggling writer is kind of a narrow perspective on what I am. Technically I'm a struggling everything at this point in my life. I have drive but lack in the ambition part of it, I suppose. I can't place what it was in my life that caused me to be so wasteful of my varied talents. I never once had anyone tell me I would never amount to anything, maybe that's the problem. Most people you hear about that have succeeded were held down by naysayers to some extent. I've heard many times that there's always people who are dying to see you fail, and the people that love you most want you to fail the most. That is completely untrue in my life. I have the most supportive parents in the world. I am blessed to have them, and I am ashamed to say that I take them for granted more often than not. To be honest I am the only one that has ever felt that I am never going to make it in any of my desired fields. I have written short stories and novels and poems and screenplays. All of which were often liked, sometimes not, though criticized positively. I am a struggling wrestler. I have wrestled and I am not too self-defecating to say I haven't done well at it, but, I feel as though I've reached a plateau and will never progress further than what I've done. I'm a struggling son. I consistently feel that although my parents may be proud of who I am, I have failed them for the lack of what I am. I am a struggling brother. I never tell my siblings how much I love them or how much they mean to me, or how much I appreciate everything they do for me. I am a struggling friend. I just suck at it. I've left my friends and feel like I let them down regularly. The friends I have here in Illinois I feel I offer nothing to. I am a struggling lover. I suck at this too, I can't hold a steady relationship, and have serious trust issues. I am not, however, a struggling uncle. The only thing I can say I am proud of is my deep bond with my two year old niece, Alexis. Sure she's two, but the effect she has on me, and I on her is something that keeps me going.
Enough of this depressing reflection stuff, here's some stuff I have enjoyed writing-wise:
When I was eleven or twelve I wrote my first short story titled "Realm of Obstacles" The only one of two projects I've ever done handwritten. Everything since then has been typed on a computer. As a result of a lack of a spell checker I guess technically my first efforts in fiction was titled "Relm of Obsticles" It is still one of my favorite things I have ever produced and I recently found the only copy. It is missing it's final two pages. My intention is to rewrite it and publish it.
For a summer camp I once attended I wrote a story about how Trees came to be. This was the other thing I did handwritten. This was a cute little story that has since been lost, but is cute nevertheless.
When I was fifteen I wrote a novel titled "Shattered" It was 153 pages and at this point I consider it to be garbage. I had former WWE Superstar, Lance Storm, who is an avid book lover, read it. He couldn't get through the first few chapters and I decided it was trash. My family loved it, though...so...that's nice.
I wrote a few screenplays. Never made them, all of them are quite poor. I did make a short film for a Film Festival at my High School. It was rejected due to a heavy plot that involved a suicide. The people who were the judges missed the point of the movie and felt, had the movie been shown, there was a risk that someone in the audience would be compelled to carry out any thoughts of suicide they might have had. Upsetting to say the least.
I wrote a short story titled "Bubble Mailers" I will post it here within a few days. Maybe. I love this story. It is touching and filled with love.
I had a column that I did two editions of called "Ask Mikey Chase" it was a pretty funny little thing, though 100% Fictitious. I'll consider posting that as well. It's on facebook. Just search "Ask Mikey Chase"
Currently I am writing two novels. My hope is to tackle some self-publishing and get them on Amazon.com for sale in book form/kindle. So that's exciting for me.
I must go now, well it's not that I must...I just have other things to do, check back often for random thoughts and updates and the like.
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