Why did I need to go? For my GPS. After refusing to go...I finally relented. I called my sister, and we pushed up our plans, so we got that in...now Joey and I went to Greenwich, CT and got the ring. It was a long drive, and when we got to the lady's house, she wasn't home! So we called her, and had to drive another 30 minutes to get to her...which if he didn't have me, wouldn't have been possible since the roads were QUITE CONFUSING. So I'm happy I decided to go! It was a nice time. Joey is my best friend and probably one of the only people I would give up my birthday for. The other is Emma Watson.
So I do that, and it was fine, Joey and I had a bunch of fun. After we got back, I went to The BattleHouse to go watch Ant Battle play Volleyball, though I was really going to watch Soccer. We did that and it was a nice time, but not before my DEAR and GORGEOUS friend EMILY expressed her displeasure over the fact that I didn't reply to her happy birthday text, and didn't seem to buy my excuse, which was that I was busy working on stuff on my phone with my book. The excuse was indeed a lie. I'll admit it. The truth was that I was using my GPS at the time to help Joey get his engagement ring and couldn't reply to any texts. I just couldn't tell her cause I didn't want to tell anyone Joey got the ring! So she didn't buy my excuse, I felt sorta bad, I mean she did send me a 3 message long text. She put thought into it and I ignored it, though for good cause. She also didn't like that I have never featured her in a blog in which 5 people read.
I'm featuring you Emily. You're funny. Schwartz, Roni Deutch, etc. etc. <3
That video makes me happy.
Now...with that said...I hope everyone had a great 4th of July weekend. I know one guy did.
Now...this is tough for me to write about cause I feel it needs to be somewhat...censored...like in the images I block out his last name...in which I also use as a verb...so...just work with me here...
I'll just show you the images....here's what I found on my facebook last night.
So let's explain this little...um...post. First, let's look at the man who is sharing it. Awesome 'stache and even awesomer mullet. This guy is a huge fan of professional wrestling and goes to all of the independent shows that myself and my friends take part in. As a result we get a bunch of people such as Daniel there adding us on facebook. Well actually, I think I added him because I heard his status updates were ridiculously funny to read only because they never make sense. So that's what I did...and they've been good. The first thing was, apparently one of Daniel's sons broke up with his girlfriend, yet Daniel proceeded to call her out on facebook with a shit ton of grammatical errors. Including him trying to tag her in the posts but seemingly not being able to pull it off. IT was funny...But the above post takes the cake.
If you don't know...facebook now has these little spam-viruses that are videos. I started seeing ones like "OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" and you click on it, and the video never plays and then you get something on your wall that looks like you shared the video. Exposing you as someone who fell for it and tried to watch the video. Now, it's pretty much porn, such as the rape vid seen above. Daniel saw it on someone else's wall, so he clicked on it as well. But the video didn't work. He was pissed...he didn't notice it published to his wall that he tried watching the video...exposing him as someone who would want to watch this video....at around 2 am...he was so mad...that this happened...
This was tooooo funny. I had to post this. I just imagine, "Pretty Boy" Daniel trying to watch that video 3 times in a dark basement on a shitty computer in which the keyboard is loaded with crumbs and sticky stale soda. Then giving up, so he reflects on a nice night he had with his family on America's Birthday...in which the most American things possible happen, an owl flies by and a bobcat runs across the road. AMERICA!! FUCK YEAH!!! He's going to bed with a smile on his face, but not before "thank's"ing the armed forces.
This is all from a guy who has like 16 kids. From what I know all are adopted. One who is about 17 or so believes wrestling is real!
How real? REALLY REAL!
A few years ago a promotion called Ultimate Wrestling Dynasty ran an angle that Dan De Man stabbed Bobby Ocean. I don't remember how believable it looked, but i can tell you...it wasn't real.
Daniel's Son then talked to Joey Bricco and I at the following show...He told Bricco and I that he went and visited Bobby Ocean in the hospital, and that Bobby was all fucked up. He said that Bobby asked this kid to get vengeance on Dan De Man, and thanked this kid for having his back. Keep in mind this kid is HIGHLY uneducated and talked as if he was from the streets of Compton. Also, Keep in mind that as he told us this. Bobby Ocean was at the show, backstage. Bobby Ocean was never in the hospital...it was really one of the most retarded things I've ever heard come from a fan...and trust me I've heard a ton of retarded stuff. Now with this video that Daniel tried to watch 3 times...it just shows that the gullibility of things must run in the family.
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so there should be a warning on this before opening it that says "SHANNON DON'T READ THIS AT WORK"
ReplyDeleteNumber 1 - i'm laughing so hard people are staring at me.
Number 2 - there was a naked woman on the screen hahahha.
oh mikey....i miss you already.